Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My parents made me walk 10k...

Osa osa. Used to carry the King's bride. Luckily for the guys
carrying it, it's only made of GRANITE.

...and all I got was some lousy stone megaliths. After spending several hours on a rather treacherous walk to a waterfall the day before, we drove and swerved and bounced a couple of hours over to Gomo the following day.

The waterfall

There were stream crossings. We got wet.
Our guide told us that we would have to walk a few kilometers to the megaliths sites. It turned out to be 10 kilometers in total. While it wasn't quite as challenging as the previous day's adventure, there were many muddy and slippery areas.

The box for the remains of the heads of the king's enemies
These pictures are from the more accessible of the three megalith sites in the Gomo area. The villagers were so uncharacteristically unfriendly (for Indonesia), that we all independently noticed it. No one smiled and barely responded to greetings. Even the children seemed cranky. When we were ready to leave, the head of the village complained to our guide that our donation was not enough. Without any guidance, we gave what we had paid to enter Bawomataluo village the day before. The head of the village felt that over twice that amount was fair. The fee wasn't much in U.S. dollars, but perhaps a 'suggested donation' would be a better way to go.

Megaliths are good for drying lumber

and laundry
We thought it was funny that they wanted more money so they could 'maintain' the megaliths when most of the megaliths were covered with either lumber or laundry.

Matt was able to get a brief laugh out of the kids by playing the fool
We thought the next site was much more impressive. There were mini-Easter Island heads among the tables and Osa-Osa.
When you tap the solid stone tables, they make
a sound like a bell!

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